Dispelling the Megabit Myth

Hit enter and see how fast the page loads?

3 minute read When you hit enter, how long does it take a page to load? The answer to that question is generally more a matter of latency (or “lag time”) more so than a matter of bandwidth (measured in Megabits and Gigabits). It’s a myth that “more megabits” means “more speed” and here is… Continue reading Dispelling the Megabit Myth

Enhancing your customer service experience with Voice Over IP and Quad State Internet

Take a look at your office phones. How much are you paying for phone service? What happens when someone calls you after hours? What about when you need to transfer someone to another department? Now look at your office phone bill and cell phone. Do your desk phones have vivid color screens on them, or… Continue reading Enhancing your customer service experience with Voice Over IP and Quad State Internet

Connecting your offices and colocation presence with Quad State Internet

Utilizing Quad State Internet in both your colocation centers and local offices means you always have the best possible connection to your off site data. Internet purchased at a data center is generally reliable, and with many carriers in one place, they offer high reliability and resiliency. However, even a well peered data center doesn’t… Continue reading Connecting your offices and colocation presence with Quad State Internet

Determining Bandwidth Needs and Growing With Your Business

“What’s the fastest Internet connection you can get to me?” is a common question, but not always the right one. With business grade Internet connections, we work in not over provisioning our services to a degree that will cause service interruptions, so that when you need your full circuit, it is available to you. While… Continue reading Determining Bandwidth Needs and Growing With Your Business