City of Paducah introduces updated telecommunications ordinance - Quad State Internet to submit plan for infrastructure expansion

Posted October 11, 2022 by Preston Louis Ursini

After months of negotiations with the City of Paducah, Quad State Internet and the city have finally reached an equilibrium on critical details such as franchise fees and the way they are collected.

Now with those details completed, and an ordinance passed, the city is soliciting proposals from providers on infrastructure expansion. Any telecommunications provider can submit a plan, and multiple plans can be approved.

Exclusivity in franchise agreements have been long banned, however many cities have yet to update their ordinances, creating an effective ban on new telecommunications infrastructure. With the door now open, Quad State Internet can begin its infrastructure expansion and begin offering fiber-to-the-home service within the City of Paducah once the bids are collected and franchise awarded.

"We hope that this new ordinance means more competition in the market, and coordination between service providers. We started the Paducah Internet Exchange as a means for telecommunications providers to interconnect and coordinate. We're happy with the participation we've seen thus far." Preston Ursini, Director of Network Operations remarked.

Quad State Internet offers carrier services, colocation, dark fiber, Dedicated Internet Access, fiber to the home, and other networking consulting services. Paducah will be an exciting addition to this portfolio, with shovel-ready plans for expansion.

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